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Four more years of giveaways

Posted by on November 8, 2012

Now that the election is over I think it suffice to say that the giveaway of America will continue. It is my feeling that the present administration is hellbent on ruining America from the inside out. They seem to want to make America equal to the rest of the world while quite a few of us want America to be the kick ass country its been for the last 237 or so years!

Citizens, we cannot allow the sellout of American values by the UN or any other foreign entity.

We cannot allow the United States constitution to constantly come under attack by people trying to undermine our forefathers beliefs in who we are and what we should be. The Constitution was written to allow all Americans the freedom to be different than the rest of the world. To be better than the rest of the world – that is the point of the Constitution! We could have been a Monarchy, a socialist regime, or just about any other established government at the time. The reason we were here in America in 1775 was because the rest of the world was ruled by Monarchs and Tyrants – we did not want that, we wanted freedom!

The present lawmakers should take great care in how you affect America and the Constitution. Don’t Tread On Me! Don’t Tread On America! Lets move forward in a way that makes America Great again, not a country that others scoff at but a country that the rest of the world either envies, aligns or fears! Making America equal does not make us great, it makes us mediocre at best. Who strives to be mediocre – seriously! We should want to be the best – always!

Remember that if you ignore history it is destined to repeat itself. Don’t cause this great country to go the way of the Roman Empire, to fall in ruins because of greed and political corruption. Lets not giveaway everything we have just to make others happy, lets make ourselves happy and get back on track for economic growth, military might and educational excellence.


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