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Government or Secret Society?

Government is supposed to be ‘by the people, for the people’, and should be transparent. Who ever said:I want a government that has their own interests at heart and not mine.I want a government that controls what I hear, read or say by controlling the media.I want a government that will create laws that I … Continue reading »

Categories: Politics, Society | Leave a comment

An open letter to Baltimore and the rest of the U.S.

Police violence seems to be a trending topic both on social media as well as with the national media lately. Lets start out by getting one thing straight – when a police officer disobeys the laws and unjustly harms another person, they should be charged the same as you or I would be if we … Continue reading »

Categories: Politics, Society, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Did the US Senate Intelligence Committee’s Democrats commit an act of treason?

Did the Senate Intelligence Committee’s Democrats commit an act of treason by releasing the ‘Torture Report’? What is treason? treason (noun) : Offense of attempting to overthrow the government of one’s country or of assisting its enemies in war. In the U.S., the framers of the Constitution defined treason narrowly—as the levying of war against … Continue reading »

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