Government is supposed to be ‘by the people, for the people’, and should be transparent.
Who ever said:
I want a government that has their own interests at heart and not mine.
I want a government that controls what I hear, read or say by controlling the media.
I want a government that will create laws that I must follow but they are exempt from?
I want a government that can get rich by taking money from corporations and foreign governments while burdening me with endless taxes?
Nobody in a free society ever said any of that!
That certainly is not ‘by the people, for the people’. It sounds more like ‘screw the people, its for me’!
We have a constitution for a reason and it is slowly being chipped away, slow enough where they hope you don’t notice it till its too late.
We don’t need an economic reset, we need a political reset.
“Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.”