Great day for Boston (and America)!

We here at Sherrickworld wish to send our appreciation for a job well done to the Massachusetts State Police, the Boston Police, the Watertown Police, the FBI and any and all other law enforcement officers who helped in the capture of the Boston Marathon terrorist suspect #2 as well as the justice served to suspect #1.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to all the victims of these terrorists including Krystle Campbell, Martin Richard, Lu Lingzi and MIT police officer Sean Collier who they callously murdered.

In 5 short days you law enforcement men and women have all accomplished quite a feat and deserve all the accolades that will come your way. You are all truly heros and all of America thanks you for your bravery! #BostonStrong

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One emotional hockey game Boston and ‘Thanks Buffalo’!

Last nights NHL Hockey game (4/17/2013) in Boston with the Bruins taking on the Buffalo Sabres you knew it was going to be emotional. If you had not seen the game or the clips of the singing of the Star Spangled Banner at all, I recommend you find it online and watch. It was extremely emotional and humbling to hear 17,000 plus fans and players singing in unison. It was very humbling and hard to keep a dry eye for sure. The game itself was very hard fought and ended in a shootout, which Boston eventually lost, it culminated in another very emotional act – both teams went to center ice and gave a stick salute to the Boston fans. This is something that is usually reserved for the home team to do for their fans during a victory. I have to say, a very class act by the Buffalo Sabres players and organization. As a Boston Bruins fan, I was very touched and impressed by this classy gesture. Hats off to the Buffalo Sabres and a huge ‘Thank You’ for doing their part in helping Boston (and the nation) heal from a tragedy.

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Boston – you are in our thoughts and prayers

We here at Sherrickworld would like to send our thoughts and prayers to the Boston area for all those involved in the Patriot Day terrorist attack. We have deep roots in Boston with many relatives and friends still in the area. Our deepest condolences go out to all the victims of this tragedy. Be strong Boston – you are a kick ass city!

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