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Some Retrospect

Posted by on October 21, 2013

Here we are back from the government shutdown. Here are some of the things we have found out since:

  • We really do not need Washington DC and all of its politicians after all!
  • Affordable Care Act cost over 400 million for some web sites? Should have gone to GoDaddy!
  • Affordable Care Act signup, only about 50,000 did (or were able to)!
  • The administration thinks less of the armed forces veterans in this country than they do the illegals.
  • Word has it that park rangers were told to make it ‘as difficult as possible’ for visitors during the shutdown!

Well there are just 5 of the many things we discovered about our government during this shutdown. I know there are words that describe what many of us think about our government now more than ever before but most of those words are way too crass for any of our young readers! I am sure you all have your favorite terms for them and we will leave it at that for now.

In the meantime, lets just clean house and get some straight up, clean, for the people politicians in office at the first chance we get. This is almost at the point of being a joke. Oh and the fact that we now have China calling us out – whats up with that?! Way to go D.C.!!


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